RML has been endeavouring to eliminate odours from Withyhedge Landfill site by carrying out engineering works required by a Regulation 36 Notice served on the company by NRW. The works required a large quantity of waste to be moved from the top of the landfill into the next Cell followed by capping the top and sides of the remaining wastes as well as the installation of gas wells and collection pipework.  Despite the very poor weather during the engineering works, the excavation, removal, capping and well installation works are complete and last week the gas abstraction system became active.

Gasses from this part of the site are now being collected and over the next weeks the suction will finally collect the gases generated from this area.  Recent surveys have confirmed the very limited escape of gases from this area.

Whist the company has had to focus on compliance with the legal Notice, it has also been mindful that the waste placed into the next cell has the capacity to generate gases.  Gas collection scavenger pipes along with waste covering works have been undertaken by the company in this cell, but these are not yet fully complete.  The company is aware that until these works are completed in the next cell, along with the provision of gas wells, there will still be the potential for odour to escape from the site.  Now that the entire focus is on these works, RML is confident that they can be completed within a few weeks.

We share the community’s disappointment that the works on the capping area have not terminated the odour problems but can assure the community that the necessary works will be concluded soon, and the odour issue will be finally addressed.