Following months of significant site and procedural improvements, we are pleased to announce that as of Monday 6th January, the Withyhedge site resumed waste acceptance and disposal for pre-qualifying materials. This was planned as a soft opening and was set up in a controlled manner to ensure all activities, including the revised waste acceptance procedures, could be closely monitored by both us and the regulator, Natural Resources Wales (NRW). We anticipate that the site will fully re-open by early spring as we continue to gain confidence in the new systems with the regulator, stakeholders, and the local community.
The Regulator, NRW, has conducted numerous visits to Withyhedge since re-opening and have undertaken inspections on site looking at incoming waste, paperwork, on site processes and the effectiveness of the revised procedures implemented by RML.
The NRW and Pembrokeshire County Council (PCC) are scheduled to visit Withyhedge on Wednesday 29th January 2025 to inspect operations; RML welcomes the visit.
Odour Monitoring
RML has received 51 complaints from NRW (as of 26 Jan 2025). NRW has undertaken off site odour monitoring at several locations and have publicly stated that no landfill-associated odours have been detected.
RML has not received any complaints from PCC. PCC have undertaken their own off-site monitoring at residential locations and have similarly confirmed that no landfill-associated odours have been detected.
It has been noted that there have been 2 spikes in the monitoring data from Spittal School that were above the 30-minute WHO odour annoyance guideline levels. However, on both occasions the data suggests that the odour is not attributable to Withyhedge Landfill.
On-going Monitoring
Since re-opening, RML have not detected any landfill-related odours through our monitoring efforts.
To ensure transparency and provide detailed information about air quality and odours in the area, we have continued to invest in specialised expertise. This includes the installation of “AQ Mesh” monitors at key locations around our site, first in August 2024, with additional monitors added in November and December 2024. The data collected from these monitors will be shared with the Air Quality Group (AQG) as part of the regular updates provided by independently by Geotechnology.
Further Information
Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we work to maintain the highest standards at our site. Further updates regarding our future work and plans for the Withyhedge site will be posted on this page. If you would like to stay informed directly, we encourage you to subscribe to our mailing list via the link on our homepage.

In an amendment to our previous announcement, we wish to inform you that the reopening of the Withyhedge Landfill Site, originally scheduled for Thursday 2nd January 2025, will now commence on Monday 6th January 2025.
Further updates regarding our future work and plans for the Withyhedge site will be posted on this page. If you would like to stay informed directly, we encourage you to subscribe to our mailing list via the link on our homepage.
We extend our warmest seasonal greetings to all during this festive time of year.
Resources Management (UK) Ltd. are pleased to announce that the Withyhedge site will reopen from Thursday 2nd January for the acceptance of pre-qualifying materials only, with a view to fully reopening the site to third party customers in the following weeks once further measures have been implemented.
During the period of site closure, RML have completed extensive air quality and waste sampling & analysis, geotechnical and regulatory consultation, comprehensive engineering work, and the installation of improved gas management equipment and technology; In addition, the re-opening of the site will coincide with the implementation of stricter waste acceptance procedures.
RML are satisfied that the historical issues are now fully resolved, and that the completion of this work will provide a high level of protection for both the site and its neighbouring communities going forward.
RML also acknowledge the concerns raised by the communities, and can confirm that alternative arrangements have been made, where possible, for the overnight parking of vehicles away from the local laybys

As construction on the newest area of tipping at the Withyhedge Landfill site continues, Cell 9, RML are pleased to provide the following update:
Cell 9A
Work on this sub-cell has been completed in accordance with CQA requirements. The Cell 9A CQA Validation report was submitted to NRW on 02-09-24. This is currently being reviewed by the regulator, NRW. You can see their latest update here - Natural Resources Wales / Natural Resources Wales reviews engineering report on new Withyhedge Landfill cell construction9A
NRW will need to approve this before RML commence tipping in Cell 9.
Cell 9B
The work on this sub-cell has been completed in accordance with CQA requirements. A CQA report is currently being prepared to submit to the regulator, NRW, for approval. We anticipate it will be submitted by next week.
Cell 9C
Shaping work has been completed. Lining works are currently in progress. As with the other Cells, all work is being done in accordance with CQA requirements.
RML will provide further updates as we progress.

Landfill Site Technical Specialists meet with Community Technical Group
RML were pleased to host the technical meeting on Wednesday 4th September, between our technical specialists Geotechnology Ltd and the Community Technical Group. The meeting provided an opportunity for the specialists to provide the community on several subjects, which included:
- Overview of Withyhedge Landfill Site – Propeller System
- Odour and Gas Monitoring Infrastructure – Community and Site
- Review of Monitoring Results to Date
- Rudbaxton Monitoring and Proposed Future Monitoring
- Site Walkover
- Discussion about future engagement, liaison and data sharing
Thanks to Geotechnology Ltd and the Community for coming together.
If you would like to stay up to date with news and updates from RML (Withyhedge Landfill Site), please provide your email address to receive notifications and updates via email.
Statement on NRW Water Surface Monitoring
We welcome the recent report from Natural Resources Wales (NRW) regarding water surface monitoring. Ref: CAR_NRW0044753
The data confirms that there are elevated levels of pollution emanating from upstream to the landfill site, however, the water quality at RMLs discharge point is below the permit threshold; this in turn is positively contributing towards improved water quality downstream.
We will continue working closely with NRW and other stakeholders to ensure we are maintaining high standards of water quality, within our permit stipulations and or the long-term protection of our streams and water courses.
As an update to the development and construction of Cell 9, the next section of landfill space to be created at site; Cell 9 will be split into 3 smaller sub-cells: 9a, 9b and 9c.
We can confirm that:
Cell 9a
The work on this subcell has been completed and constructed in accordance with construction quality assurance (CQA) requirements. A CQA report is currently being prepared to submit to the regulator, NRW, for approval.
Cell 9b
The cell has been prepared and lined. The next phase is to lay the drainage blanket and works to complete this will continue over the next few weeks. As with Cell 9a, all work has been done in accordance with CQA requirements.
Cell 9c
Initial shaping has commenced, and construction will continue through the Summer.
We will provide further updates as we progress.
Week commencing 1st July, RML began work on site to build new surface water lagoons. The construction of these lagoons is an integral part of upgrading our surface water management infrastructure as the impermeable layers of the site expands. The purpose of the lagoons is to protect the environment by capturing and treating surface water run off before it gets discharged. Providing surface water ponds at this location is a Permit requirement. Leachate is collected separately and removed from site by tanker to a treatment works so these ponds will not receive any leachate.
Various teams from Natural Resources Wales (NRW) including the Industry Regulation team, Local Environment Team, and Forestry Regulation Team have recently visited this area. All developments and improvements to this particular area of site continue to be carried in consultation with the regulator and within the site's permitted compliance.
Moving forward, RML will continue to work closely with the regulator as NRW themselves continue to closely monitor this area of the site whilst work takes place.

29th July 2024
This is an announcement to confirm that Resources Management UK Limited will be undertaking an annual maintenance of the main landfill gas flare on Tuesday, 30th July.
The work will commence at 9 AM and should not take more than 3 hours.
While we do not expect any disruption of landfill gas release, there is always the potential for such an event during such maintenance.
Natural Resources Wales released a statement on Friday 19th July confirming that all work required from our site as part of their Regulation 36 Enforcement Notices served on RML in February and April of this year, has been fully complied with.
The continued work has resulted in the dissipation of landfill odour, and we anticipate this will continue to be the case going forward, notwithstanding the presence of other odour sources not related to Withyhedge Landfill Site in the vicinity.
We continue to work closely with the regulator and continue engineering work on the next cells, and work on improving and updating the gas management infrastructure on site. The site will remain closed until this work is completed.