As an update to the development and construction of Cell 9, the next section of landfill space to be created at site; Cell 9 will be split into 3 smaller sub-cells: 9a, 9b and 9c.

We can confirm that:

Cell 9a

The work on this subcell has been completed and constructed in accordance with construction quality assurance (CQA) requirements. A CQA report is currently being prepared to submit to the regulator, NRW, for approval.

Cell 9b

The cell has been prepared and lined. The next phase is to lay the drainage blanket and works to complete this will continue over the next few weeks. As with Cell 9a, all work has been done in accordance with CQA requirements.

Cell 9c

Initial shaping has commenced, and construction will continue through the Summer.


We will provide further updates as we progress.